Le forme della primità. Sul rapporto tra teoria, pratica e sentimento in Charles S. Peirce

  • Emanuele Fadda
Parole chiave: Peirce, Passions, Firstness, Sentiment, , Musement


In order to give a sketch of the role of the passions in Ch. S. Peirce’s thought, his life’s experience must be taken into account together with some of the less-known aspects of his philosophy. The category of Firstness holds together all these facets: the place of Esthetics as the first Normative Science (giving rise to Ethics/secondness and Logic/thirdness), the primacy of Sentiment (habit of firstness) in everyday practice (opposed to theory), and the use of Musement as a tool to get an intuition of God. This harmony we see in the theory, however, is achieved through the contrasts experienced by the author throughout his life.



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Come citare
Fadda, E. (2013) «Le forme della primità. Sul rapporto tra teoria, pratica e sentimento in Charles S. Peirce», Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 7(1), pagg. 31-39. Available at: http://rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/4 (Consultato: 28marzo2025).

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