Remarks on the perlocutionary power of language: the case of the Logos epitaphios
This article aims at making a contribution about the problem of the perlocutionary effects of verbal language through the study of the logos epitaphios, the funeral speech held annually in the democratic Athens of Pericles and Plato. Although we will dwell in detail on this particular type of oration, the epitaph itself is not the theoretical focus of the article. The case under study should be considered as an example, a paradigm, or an instance to bring out issues of general significance. We will begin with a description of this verbal practice in the historical context in which it came into being (§ 1). After an analysis of its structure (§ 2), we will focus on two specific aspects: the opposition between logos and ergon (§ 3) and the centrality of the pronoun «we» (§ 4). Eventually, we will briefly tackle the philosophical-linguistic question of literary genre as a point of reference (§ 5).
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