Retorica, potere, violenza: un modello agonistico per la deliberazione

  • Mauro Serra


Over the past thirty years, the theoretical reflection on the functioning of democracy has undergone a remarkable development. It has been polarized around two different theoretical paradigms, that of deliberative democracy and that of agonistic democracy. The first emphasizes the role of rational deliberation as a means to generate a consensus legitimate and binding on the parties involved. The second considers, however, conflict and dissent as unavoidable conditions of democratic life and its proper functioning. Despite their obvious differences, both models are linked by a substantial misunderstanding of the role of rhetoric. The aim of this paper is to show that a correct interpretation of the rhetorical dimension, however, provides two theoretical advantages: 1) finding a point of articulation and convergence between the two different models; 2) focusing on an issue of great importance (neglected in both cases): the fundamental inequality of the subjects in the access to the conditions of communicative interaction.


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How to Cite
Serra, M. (2014) “Retorica, potere, violenza: un modello agonistico per la deliberazione”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 10March2025).
Sezione 1. Linguaggio e pratiche discorsive

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