Verità della retorica o retorica della verità? Volontà di sapere e parrēsia in Foucault / Truth of rhetoric or rhetoric of truth? Will to Knowledge and parrēsia in Foucault

  • Mauro Serra
Keywords: retorica, parrēsia, verità, potere, soggetto


Foucault devoted his last two courses at the Collège de France to the concept of parrēsia. In these courses, rhetoric (with flattery) is considered an adversary of parrēsia. Foucault in this way provides an image of the rhetoric (and of the Sophists) very different from that advanced in the inaugural lecture of 1970 and then in the first course held at the Collège in 1971. My paper explores the reasons for this change in perspective and shows that it was a missed opportunity to deal, with specific reference to the same rhetoric, the ambiguous relationship between language and power.



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How to Cite
Serra, M. (2016) “Verità della retorica o retorica della verità? Volontà di sapere e parrēsia in Foucault / Truth of rhetoric or rhetoric of truth? Will to Knowledge and parrēsia in Foucault”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 22December2024).

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