Le parole dell’altro. Jacques Derrida e la violenza dell’interpretazione

  • Francesco Vitale
Parole chiave: Deconstruction, Ethics, Reading, Quotation, Violence


In Toward an Ethics of Discussion Jacques Derrida returns to the controversy with John R. Searle to clarify his position but above all because he «would have wished
to make legible the (philosophical, ethical, political) axiomatics hidden beneath the code of academic discussion». I intend, in turn, to return to this text in order to find in it not only the conditions of an ethics of academic discussion but also of interpretation in a deconstructive perspective. In Toward an Ethics of Discussion, in fact, it is possible to point out the necessity of a certain ethical treatment of the texts. In particular, how can we determine the conditions of an ethical use of quotation against the always possible manipulation of the text that quotation makes possible? I attempt to answer this question claiming that the reading protocol of deconstruction meets these conditions showing us at the same time the ethical conditions of scientific discourse in general, beyond any scientific claim of objectivity.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Derrida, Jacques (1972), Signature Événement Contexte, in Derrida, Jacques, Limited Inc. Galilée, Paris, 1990 (Limited Inc., trad. it. di N. Perullo, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1997).

Derrida, Jacques (1990), Limited Inc. Galilée, Paris (Limited Inc., trad. it. di N. Perullo, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1997).

Derrida, Jacques (1990b), Limited Inc. a b c… in Derrida, Jacques, Limited Inc., Galilée, Paris (Limited Inc., trad. it. di N. Perullo, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1997).

Derrida, Jacques(1990c), Vers une éthique de la discussion, in Derrida, Jacques, Limited Inc. Galilée, Paris (Limited Inc., trad. it. di N. Perullo, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1997).

Derrida, Jacques (1988) Mémoires pour Paul de Man , Galilée, Paris (Memorie per Paul de Man, trad. it. di. S. Petrosino, Jaca Book, Milano 1995).

Habermas, Jürgen (1985), Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne. Zwölf Vorlesungen, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main (Il discorso filosofico della modernità. Dodici lezioni, trad. it. di E. Agazzi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1997).

Come citare
Vitale, F. (2024) «Le parole dell’altro. Jacques Derrida e la violenza dell’interpretazione», Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/2024062V.