Aphrodite's nose. Archaeology of olfactory beauty

  • Marco Mazzeo
Keywords: Aisthesis, Ancient Perfumery, Aphrodite, Carchia, Smell


In L’estetica antica, Italian philosopher Gianni Carchia argues that the concept of beauty in ancient Greece has two characteristics. The first: beauty would be linked to Aphrodite and her mythological profile. The second: Aphrodite's beauty would only be visual. The article seeks to show the theoretical importance of the first thesis and, at the same time, the unsatisfactory character of the second. Precisely because Aphrodite is fundamental to the Greek concept of beauty, the olfactory character of the goddess is also part of it. The sense of smell is also an aesthetic sense, open to language and capable of offering beauty.


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How to Cite
Mazzeo, M. (2022) “Aphrodite’s nose. Archaeology of olfactory beauty”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 16(2). doi: 10.4396/20221204.