Metaphor: the good argument in science communication

  • Giulia Frezza
Keywords: metaphor and scientific argumentation, metaphor analysis, resistance to metaphor, critical discourse analysis, science communication


The relation between metaphor and argumentation in science communication is becoming a crucial tool for critical metaphor studies. In this article, by means of a crossed analysis (epistemological, cognitive and linguistic), I focus especially on a peculiar dynamic of metaphor use in scientific communication showing opposite, paradoxical attitudes towards the use of metaphors, respectively, ubiquity vs. invisibility, inclination vs. resistance, deliberate vs. non-deliberate. In this way, an overall philosophical reflection about the underlying reasons for the ambivalence in the use of metaphor in scientific communication would be proposed and discussed.


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How to Cite
Frezza, G. (1) “Metaphor: the good argument in science communication”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 10(2). Available at: (Accessed: 29March2025).