World, language, communication: fuzzy boundaries and complex systems
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Sweetser, Eve E. (1992), «English Metaphors for Language: Motivations, Conventions, and Creativity», in Poetics Today, 13.4, pp. 705-24. JSTOR. Web. 10 Mar. 2012.
Tagliagambe, Silvano (1997), Epistemologia del Confine, Il Saggiatore, Milano.
Volterrani, A (2022), Preventing Radicalisation in the Era of Deep Mediatization, in E. Gola, M. Macaluso, M. Siino, G. Tumminelli, A. Volterrani, The Co-Design of an Online Campaign for an Inclusive Community: Languages, Images and Participation, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholar Publisher.
Whorf, Benjamin Lee (1940), «Science and Linguistics», in Technology Review, 42, pp. 227–31, 247–8.
How to Cite
Gola, E., Meloni, F. and Volterrani, A. (2022) “World, language, communication: fuzzy boundaries and complex systems”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/2022IMC.
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