Struggles and coalitions. How social reproduction and intersectionality reinvent conflict.

  • Adalgiso Amendola
Keywords: conflict, social reproduction, intersectionality, oppression, exploitation


The modern tradition has always thought of conflict as subordinated to its political neutralisation. The model of permanent civil war presented by Michel Foucault only partially succeeds in presenting a model of conflict that is not subordinated to the reassertion of sovereignty. The class struggle itself, presented as a mode of conflict capable of producing a transformation of the entire political field, was reabsorbed into the presence of a homogeneous working class, which neutralised singularities and differences. The new focus on the centrality of social reproduction, on the one hand, and the development of intersectional theories, on the other, have profoundly transformed the grammars of conflicts and subjectivities, while still risking reproducing the classical separation between conflicts over exploitation and conflicts over oppression, and between conflicts over identity and conflicts over production. The rethinking of a unitary matrix between exploitation and oppression can lead to the elaboration of unprecedented coalitions, in the sign of a multitudinous class that overcomes the opposition between class conflict and identity politics.


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How to Cite
Amendola, A. (2024) “Struggles and coalitions. How social reproduction and intersectionality reinvent conflict.”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/20240611A.