Autobiographical confabulation and ontology of memory. The intertwining among persaviveness of language, narrative tendency of the Self and phenomenological experience of the temporality in personal events remembering.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the amnesics confabulation in order to show as autobiographical memory emerges from a tendency to build a coherent e cohesive narrative text of the life. We can consider this out come as an effect of the pervasiveness of language that fills up the gaps of memory preserving continuity, coherence and consistency of the Self. In §1 it is tocuhed on the problem of reconstructive processing the autobiographical memory and the complex interplay among the hierarchical temporal levels of this memory and between episodic and semantic dimensions. In §2 we illustrate the model of Memory, Consciousness and Temporality Theory (MCTT) (§2) in which it is emphasized the malfunction of the Temporal Consciousness linked with the phenomenological experience of the past, present and future and the notion of Habits Confabulation (Dalla Barba 2002, Dalla Barba et al. 2020).
Finally in §3 the analysis of some confabulating patients allows us to propose an integration between MCTT and a model more devoted to the narrative textual coherence in which emerges the role of the language-narrative pervaisveness already guessed by Michael Gazzaniga (1998) in his left-interpreter theory. Evenif the confabulating text is anomalous and incongruous, this evidence confirms an undeniable narrative tendency present also in a very strong status of memory neuropsychological deficit.
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