Assertion and its Social Significance: An Introduction

  • Bianca Cepollaro
  • Paolo Labinaz
  • Neri Marsili
Keywords: Assertion, Commitment, Implicature, Expressive Meaning


This paper offers a brief survey of the philosophical literature on assertion,
presenting each contribution to this special issue within the context of the
contemporary debate in which it intervenes. The discussion is organised into three thematic sections. The first one concerns the nature of assertion and its relation with assertoric commitment – the distinctive responsibility that the speaker undertakes in virtue of making a statement. The second section considers the epistemic significance of assertion, exploring the role that assertion plays in the transmission of knowledge, the epistemic constraints that regulate it, and its relation with truth. The third section deals with communicative content that goes beyond what is literally asserted: implicatures, metaphors and expressive meaning.


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How to Cite
Cepollaro, B., Labinaz, P. and Marsili, N. (1) “Assertion and its Social Significance: An Introduction”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 13(1). Available at: (Accessed: 1April2025).