Arte come connotazione o arte come identità? Il dilemma semiotico di L.J. Prieto e il tango argentino / Art as connotation or art as identity? The semiotic dilemma of L.J. Prieto and the argentine tango
Is it possible to conceive a semiology of the art? The question is set with the intent to take back an example that Luís Jorge Prieto uses in 1971 in Notes pour une sémiologie de la communication artistique. Starting from his work, Prieto makes a working hypothesis on the semiology of artistic communication in which some arts like dancing cannot be placed. Later, Prieto maintains the art as an invention and the work of art as a mental object. My aim is to verify these two conceptions of the artistic phenomenon taking as example argentine tango as a partner dance based on improvisation. I will show that argentine tango is a non-choreographic art whose work of art is realized in the same moment in which dancers conceive itDownloads
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