Alcune note sull’atto di prendere la parola. Il caso dei social network / Some remarks on the act of speaking. The case of social networks

  • Giusy Gallo
Keywords: enunciation, creativity, commitment, social network


There are many ways in which the human experience manifests itself in the intertwinement between day-to-day reality and reality experienced through a medium. Carrying out an experiment, creating a work of art, and posting something on a blog are examples of this variety. In day-to-day life, the action we perform most frequently is speaking. Our goal is to show that, on one hand, speaking is an action that is creative; on the other, it is an operation that requires commitment. It is possible to present one modality of the act of speaking starting with the construction of consensus. Starting with The New Rhetoric introduced by Perelman, we will examine the ‘personal’ nature of discourse and introduce the concept of commitment, interpreted as one’s relationship with the other and the world. Far from representing subjectivity, commitment is bound to creativity, with an openness to collectivity. Having set a precedent for creativity and commitment as characteristic of discourse, we will consider the 'I' - 'you' alternation in social networking platforms.


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How to Cite
Gallo, G. (1) “Alcune note sull’atto di prendere la parola. Il caso dei social network / Some remarks on the act of speaking. The case of social networks”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. doi: 10.4396/2016BC24.