Il ruolo dei mediatori tecnici nella produzione audiovisiva. Abiti spettatoriali e immaginazione narrativa
In this paper, I will present a comparison between the aesthetic concept of internal image developed by Emilio Garroni (2005) and the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, especially the notion of guessing and the theoretical framework of pragmaticism. The aim of the paper is to show how this connection helps us to approach technical mediation. In the first part, I will present the elements of convergence between the two authors, by referring to the considerations of Pietro Montani (2014) and Emanuele Fadda (2013). In the second and most important part, I will discuss a sequence from a cinematographic example, Blow Out (1981), in which technical mediation plays a central role. Finally, in the third part, I will try to generalize and propose the concept of habit as a differential starting point for the study of the aesthetic aspects of mediation.Downloads
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