La lettura deleuziana di Peirce. Fra presunte distorsioni e nuove interpretazioni: per una teoria delle immagini
The aim of this paper is to propose an analysis of Peirce interpretation made by Deleuze, specifically in his two books on cinema. Even if this represents a very well known case, apparently it seems more interesting for Deleuze or film studies scholars than to peircean ones. Sometimes, albeit with some exceptions, such reading has been viewed with suspicion, like a "continental post-structuralist misreading". On the contrary, the hypothesis presented here stresses how Deleuze carried out this interpretation in the same philosophical perspective of some previous works (philosophical readings of classics such as Spinoza, Kant and Bergson): but with the purpose of building up a theory of image classification. There is no distorsion of Peirce thought, but a translation and radical reintepretation. And also with the general scope of finding a new path and a dinamical dimension within the field of semiotic studies.Downloads
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