Legge, linguaggio, crisi. Benjamin e Scholem lettori di Kafka

  • Lisa Rose


The aim of this paper is to investigate the way in which law and doctrine
manifest themselves in Kafka's writings. Starting from the idea of the 'Nothingness of revelation', which figures strongly in Scholem's and Benjamin's famous correspondence on Franz Kafka, this paper advances the hypothesis that Benjamin's early writings on language are strongly connected to his later reflections on Kafka. Another task of this essay will be to expose the main difference between Scholem's and Benjamin's mode of perceiving the crisis' situation. While the tragic mode of hiddenness of law and doctrine is associated by Scholem to a stage of the story of revelation, Benjamin tries to convert this situation into a messianic chance that can be seized in order to subvert law and doctrine, dysfunctional and emptied, adopting two redemption attitudes, the “reversal” and the “studying”.


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How to Cite
Rose, L. (1) “Legge, linguaggio, crisi. Benjamin e Scholem lettori di Kafka”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 8(2). Available at: http://rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/236 (Accessed: 23February2025).