Sulla critica rossi-landiana delle ideologie della relatività linguistica
This thematic issue of RIFL allows us to speak of Rossi-Landi’s text Ideologies of linguistic relativity. It is probably the most merciless critique ever made of Sapir- Whorf’s thesis, although it remains, perhaps for this very reason, the least known,discussed and developed among the scientific objections aroused against linguistic relativity. Rossi-Landi points out its idealistic and bourgeois basis which brought its theorists to ideological deformations in their formulations, especially in their
conception of the relationships between language and thought. Rossi-Landi demystifies them through his semiotics. He explains why what we call linguistic relativity could develop as a theory or a hypothesis through the study of American Indian languages. He shows a series of confusions and reifications it gave birth and suggests another way of considering the problems aroused by linguistic relativity: that one of a dialectical-materialist approach taking account of the alienated condition of speakers, of their material and linguistic exploitation through social models and programs, and of the possibilities of their emancipation.
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How to Cite
D’Urso, A. (2013) “Sulla critica rossi-landiana delle ideologie della relatività linguistica”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 7(3), pp. 15-28. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
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