Linguaggio e general intellect. Per una ricerca sul significato contemporaneo di natura umana

  • Angelo Nizza


About the meaning of human nature it needs to consider our biology, but also our ability to make history. In order to say what is human today, it is appropriate to underline the connection between linguistic and cognitive faculty and the society where we live. In fact, the aim of this paper is to show that in the contemporary age our most important biological abilities are put to work, so the meaning of human nature is related to this social fact. Today, post-fordist model of production utilises the universal skills of our mind, the general intellect, as well as workforce. There are two points to speak about. First, following the historical event of language and thinking used for working, we can understand something about the work society crisis. Second, from general intellect put to produce, some qualities of our verbal nature are shown and they are: the language not calculability and the language potentiality. In other words, the relation biology-history in the post-fordism period has two consequences. In social praxis: the natural linguistic faculty as workforce means the end of labour age, because the capitalistic rule called time of abstract work is not good to measure our verbal ability. Besides, in theory about human nature: it is never possible to give a number to language because language is not a positive actuality, but it is potentiality and it is governed in terms of not being.


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How to Cite
Nizza, A. (2009) “Linguaggio e general intellect. Per una ricerca sul significato contemporaneo di natura umana”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, (1), pp. 158-171. Available at: (Accessed: 18February2025).