Ospite, nemico, sosia? L’identità dello straniero tra linguaggio e mondo
We can distinguish between two models of interpretation about the identity of the foreigner. With Benveniste, the xénos is the host welcomed inside the house (philos; hospes); with Schmitt, he is the enemy to fight until death (hostis). Both the host and the enemy are based on the same conception of the foreigner as other by self: he is the migrant who I reject without worrying too much if he lives or dies, or he is the non-EU citizen that I greet, according to certain rules. In this article I propose to think the foreigner as another self: he is the double of the self. This alternative thesis has the advantage of freeing the foreigner from the envelope of radical alterity and making him an ambivalent figure who oscillates between familiar and strange. The foreigner embarrasses not because he is an outsider, a non-human, but because in his exotic and extravagant behavior - homeless, without work and without language - the self recognizes something that is well-known, because belongs to the natural history of men. Rather than provoking hostile feelings or inspiring a hospitality bound to a deeper enmity, the foreigner as an anthropological revelator breaks into the scene by scrambling the papers of philosophy and politics.Downloads
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