Lo scetticismo sullo scetticismo o sull’idea stessa di un ‘linguaggio della vasca’ globale

  • Genia Schönbaumsfeld
Keywords: Scepticism, Closure-based sceptical argument, Local sceptical scenario, Global sceptical scenario, Recent envatment, Lifelong envatment, Private language, Wittgenstein


This paper aims to motivate a scepticism about scepticism in contemporary epistemology. I present the sceptic with a dilemma: On one parsing of the BIV (brain-in-a-vat) scenario, the second premise in a closure-based sceptical argument will turn out false, because the scenario is refutable; on another parsing, the scenario collapses into incoherence, because the sceptic cannot even save the appearances. I discuss three different ways of cashing out the BIV scenario: ‘Recent Envatment’ (RE), ‘Lifelong Envatment’ (LE) and ‘Nothing But Envatment’ (NBE). I show that RE scenarios are a kind of ’local’ sceptical scenario that does not pose a significant threat to the possibility of perceptual knowledge as such. I then go on to consider the more radical (or global) LE and NBE scenarios, which do undermine the possibility of perceptual knowledge of an ‘external’ world by positing that it is conceivable that one has always been envatted and, hence, trapped in a ‘global’ illusion. I start by assuming that we could be in such a scenario (LE or NBE) and then spell out what we would need to presuppose for such scenarios to be capable of being actual. Drawing on some central insights from Wittgenstein’s anti- private language considerations, I show that the truth of a global scepticism would presuppose the possibility of a private ‘vat-language’, a notion that cannot be rendered coherent. But, if so, then neither can the sceptical scenarios that presuppose such a conception.


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How to Cite
Schönbaumsfeld, G. (2025) “Lo scetticismo sullo scetticismo o sull’idea stessa di un ‘linguaggio della vasca’ globale”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 18(2). doi: 10.4396/202427.