Acts of enunciation and embodied practices: a cognitive semiotic perspective
This article proposes an investigation into the relationship among the act of enunciation, enunciative praxis, and embodied practices. While these concepts have historically been treated separately, a unified theory of enunciation now integrates them within an impersonal and evenemential framework (Paolucci 2020). Delving into this theory, we will focus on the concept of transpersonality, emphasizing the crucial role that individuals and concrete enunciative practices play in enunciative agencements. To avoid reducing the entire act of enunciation to its mere realization, we will demonstrate how semiolinguistic virtualities and enunciative practices can become embodied in the actors of enunciation precisely through the virtual positions they set up. In fact, creating impersonal positions that target concrete actors (you+not-you), these practices transmit a series of semiotic regularities that are incorporated by agents as habits and rules. Once these rules are acquired, they enable agents to engage in enunciation, using it as a source of aims, and positioning themselves as subjects (I+not-I). In this transition between passivity and activity, between personality and impersonality, between schemas and bodies, fundamental roles will be played by the concepts of pathical enunciation (La Mantia 2020), vulnerability (Basso Fossali 2008), and rule of the game (Wittgenstein 1953) interpreted in an enactivist sense.
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