Corporate reputation narratives

  • Sabrina Sebastiana Sansone
Keywords: Narratives, Storytelling, Corporate Reputation, Perception, Emotion


Narratives represent a device that helps to understand the reality in which they are produced and disseminated (Boje 2011). Such a vision of narrative characterizes organizational studies (Czarniawska 2004; Boje 1991), for stories related to companies highlight important aspects of corporate reputation. This bringing out the need to understand how these narratives are shaped and spread, especially in the context of the digital arena. In fact, some of the characteristics of online social networks make the digital sphere a means capable of spreading stories involving companies, with unprecedented widespread distribution. In that regard, this contribution aims to reflect on corporate reputation as a form of narrative, looking at the model of corporate narratives, the factors that influence its effectiveness, and the role of social actors that are involved in the stories.


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How to Cite
Sansone , S. S. (2022) “Corporate reputation narratives”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/SFL2021A26.