Connection and conspiracy. The Ingress story and the semiotic ideologies of smart media

  • Federico Biggio
Keywords: Conspiracy, Ingress, Ideology, Interconnection, Sousveillance


The contribution aims to identify the linguistic signs of the conspiracy narrative within the transmedia narrative of Ingress (Niantic 2012). The theme of loss of agency through interaction with digital media will be considered as an expression of a semiotic ideology of alienation, an ontological presupposition that motivates and gives logical coherence to the conspiracy narrative. On the other hand, the playful practices prescribed by the application of augmented reality will highlight an ideologically opposite assumption, based on the ideological rhetoric of empowerment and sousveillance.


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How to Cite
Biggio, F. (2022) “Connection and conspiracy. The Ingress story and the semiotic ideologies of smart media”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/SFL2021A06.