The role of Intercultural Communication in the formation of language competence

  • Larisa Kosareva
Keywords: Language Competence, Cross-Cultural Communication, Higher Education


At present, the development of intercultural communication skills is becoming very important. However, not all universities pay due attention to the development of intercultural language competence, as well as the ability to directly share it with speakers of other cultures. The purpose of this article is to determine the critical difficulties in the field of intercultural communication among people who study a foreign language. Another task is to develop recommendations that will help solve issues in the field of intercultural communication within the framework of modern education. The author substantiates the latest model of intercultural communication, which is aimed at pragmatic knowledge of the speaker, that is, at language differences related to social and cultural standards of the language. Criteria for assessing intercultural communication are proposed: completeness, consistency, transparency, and adequacy. Much attention is paid to the translation of terms and ethnographic concepts, where the most common tools are transliteration and equivalent translation. As a result of the study, a survey was organized and conducted among 4th-year linguists from the four largest Russian universities (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations and Moscow State University). The analysis of the research data was performed in the system STATISTICA.


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How to Cite
Kosareva, L. (2022) “The role of Intercultural Communication in the formation of language competence”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/202203MC.