Entre théorie et pratique. Aristote et le strabisme de la techne

  • Salvatore Di Piazza
Keywords: Rhetoric, Fallibility, Conjecture, Epistemology, Techne


The Aristotelian reflection on the epistemological status of techne, and more specifically on the definition of rhetoric as a techne, can help us to rethink the very actual cleavage between theory and practice. A good techne, as the rhetoric has to be according to Aristotle, has not to choose between theory and practice, between the universal and the particular, but should be able to look simultaneously in both directions and to keep them together. We will try to show that may be worth to rediscover and to introduce the Aristotelian notion of techne into the contemporary epistemological and philosophical debate.


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How to Cite
Di Piazza, S. (1) “Entre théorie et pratique. Aristote et le strabisme de la techne”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: http://rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/463 (Accessed: 22February2025).
Approches philologiques et linguistiques des notions et traités de rhétorique