Scrittura Attiva – processi artistici della scrittura a mano / Active writing - artistic processes of freehand writing

  • Matilde Puleo
Keywords: written images, gesture, communication, freehand writing, calligraphy


Handwriting is an expressive tool as well as skill learned at school. We will examine the way in which handwriting in the field of art, transforming the act of writing into an art-work and the object of the self-study. We start from the premise that while language is what distinguishes human from other animal species, our communicative acts are not just words: in addition to body language there are a number of languages that are not expressed in words; a universe of signs that have a function in communication precisely because they contribute to the structuring of the meaning of the world and its decoding. Signs that - like in the case of writing in italics have to do with words but are born out of the urgent gesture. They are the trace of emotional states and bodily postures, the concrete expression of emotional abysses. Non-verbal communication systems have an expressive and social function which complements and redefines the act of handwriting. In essence, we will deal with the ways in which information and content are conveyed in the field of art without decrypting the symbols. It is in fact by placing the gesture of writing in the context of the artistic practice that we will show how handwriting can move beyond language as such, becoming a “present moment” of a space that has become an experiential event.


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How to Cite
Puleo, M. (2017) “Scrittura Attiva – processi artistici della scrittura a mano / Active writing - artistic processes of freehand writing”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 11(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).