Art, knowledge and induction

  • Alfonso Di Prospero
Keywords: languages of art, paradoxes of induction, art and science, nonmonotonic reasoning, entrenchment


The aim of this paper is to try to show some connections between Goodman’s paradox of induction and Goodman’s theory on aesthetics. This will be attempted also by means of the reference to Hempel’s paradox. Goodman’s point of view on induction takes as very relevant the notion of “entrenchment” while his conception of art gives a parallel importance to the whole context where we are required to express our evaluation of the meaning of the work of art, where the notion of “habits” seems to be involved in a very relevant manner. In both the cases, Goodman’s reflexion is related to his nominalism, but his strategy in the analysis of induction seems exposed to some objections, that we try to examine by relying on the notion of nonmonotonic reasoning, that we use also in the inquire about Hempel’s paradox. On this ground, we present some remarks on some of the main points of Goodman’s aesthetics.


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How to Cite
Di Prospero, A. (2017) “Art, knowledge and induction”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 11(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).