Sintassi, musica e linguaggio. Una prospettiva evoluzionistica / Syntax, music and language. An evolutionary perspective

  • Alessandra Anastasi
Keywords: music, language, syntax, comparative cognition


In this paper, we will try to provide an adequate level of comparison between music and language, especially by analyzing the role of syntax. Syntax is the real discriminating element between human language and animal communication. For this reason, we believe that the syntax represents the proof of the existing homology between language processing and music processing. Our hypothesis, therefore, is to understand music not as a culturally determined component, but as the basis upon which our articulated language is anchored.


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How to Cite
Anastasi, A. (2017) “Sintassi, musica e linguaggio. Una prospettiva evoluzionistica / Syntax, music and language. An evolutionary perspective”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 11(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).