Analyzing metaphor in argumentative discourse

  • Jean Wagemans
Keywords: analogy, argumentation, argument classification, metaphor, metaphorical argument, metaphorical standpoint, Periodic Table of Arguments, typology of arguments, typology of debate propositions


Invited paper

This paper is aimed at providing the building blocks of a method for analyzing metaphor in argumentative discourse. It focuses on two specific argumentative uses of metaphor: (1) metaphor as (part of) a standpoint and (2) metaphor as (part of) an argument. After an explanation of some basic argumentation theoretical insights concerning types of standpoints and arguments, it will be demonstrated how these insights can be applied by analyzing a number of concrete examples of the use of metaphor in argumentative discourse.


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How to Cite
Wagemans, J. (1) “Analyzing metaphor in argumentative discourse”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 10(2). Available at: (Accessed: 30March2025).