Discorsi geneticamente modificati nella democrazia dello ‘streaming’. Il nuovo ordine del discorso politico nell’Italia post-berlusconiana / The new political order of discourse in Italy after Berlusconi

  • Giuseppe Paternostro
Keywords: political discourse, Italian politics, Matteo Renzi, Silvio Berlusconi, Politics on Twitter


In this paper I discuss some features of Italian political discourse after the ending of the so called ‘berlusconismo’ (that is, the specific communicative style of Silvio Berlusconi, the leader of Italian right wing for almost two decades). In particular, I display the figure of Matteo Renzi, the current Italian Prime Minister and Secretary of PD, the most important Italian political party. In my work, I try to pinpoint the peculiarity of Renzi’s discourse strategies. In this vein, I suggest to use the notion of ‘disphasic discourse’, in order to underline the strong decrease of styles, genres and textual types variability characterizing his ways of communicating.

I focus the attention on two aspects. The first issue concerns the places (no matter if real or virtual) Renzi elected as symbol of that change on behalf of which he has based his career: the social networks and Twitter in particular. The second aspect is the storytelling technique that Renzi uses in a strategic and explicit way.


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How to Cite
Paternostro, G. (1) “Discorsi geneticamente modificati nella democrazia dello ‘streaming’. Il nuovo ordine del discorso politico nell’Italia post-berlusconiana / The new political order of discourse in Italy after Berlusconi”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: http://rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/388 (Accessed: 10March2025).