La strategia del ventriloquo. Sul portavoce / The ventriloquist's strategy. Some notes on the language activity of the spokesman.

  • Francesco La Mantia
Keywords: Spokesperson, Ventriloquism, Agentivity, Self-effacement, Oscillation


This paper examines the activity of the spokesperson by means of an analogy with the art of ventriloquism. It is composed of three parts: in the first one we introduce some definitions of «spokesperson» in order to explain in what consists his activity. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic aspects of the spokesperson’s activity with particular reference to some language operations: a) self-effacement; b) attribution of agentivity. Finally, in the last part we discuss some questions that remain open in the debate on spokesperson’s activity.


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How to Cite
La Mantia, F. (1) “La strategia del ventriloquo. Sul portavoce / The ventriloquist’s strategy. Some notes on the language activity of the spokesman.”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 18February2025).