Alcune riflessioni sui metodi di verifica degli effetti semiotici / Some reflections on verification methods of semiotic effects

  • Piero Polidoro
Keywords: semiotics, methodology, interpretation, textual analysis, empirical methods


This paper discusses the importance of the concept of “effect” for contemporary semiotics and its methodological consequences. From an interpretative point of view, a Semiotics of text can be considered a Semiotics that investigates how we understand a text. As we know, this text is a «lazy» machine, requesting and stimulating our cooperation. So, an interpretative Semiotics of the text tries to understand how a text works, i.e. how it can create or orient effects in the interpreter. This leads to an important methodological question: how can we verify the hypotheses of a Semiotics of effects? This paper suggests five different methods of verification and discusses their pros and cons: physiological correlates, introspection, empirical tests, critical text analysis, communication efficacy.


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How to Cite
Polidoro, P. (2016) “Alcune riflessioni sui metodi di verifica degli effetti semiotici / Some reflections on verification methods of semiotic effects”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 31March2025).