Tempo ed enunciazione giuridica / Minding time in law

  • Giuditta Bassano
Keywords: legal discourse, temporality, enunciation, normativity, constructionism


For Hans Kelsen, giant of philosophy of law of the twentieth century, the meaning of law depends on its separateness from all what can be considered natural: law connects some illegal acts and some sanctions conversely to the way phenomena are connected by causality. This paper aims at discussing how law can be approached not only from the perspective of philosophy of law, but also from those of a philosophy of language which has overcome the problem of naturality and artificiality in language. The central issue is the problem of time in law and it’s analyzed retracing three contemporary approaches coming from authors with miscellaneous backgrounds. The first one is the theory of a specific role played by law in giving shape to social time, proposed by the belgian jurist François Ost. Recalling his idea of four functions had by law in ‘surveilling the borders of social time’ – memory, call into question, forgiveness, promise – it’s to underline his use of the crucial notion of enunciation. Thus the manner of relation between enunciation, law and temporality brings to the other two perspective to considerate. Here the paper deals with the different ways Bernard Jackson and Bruno Latour conceive time in law, arguing that a constructivist approach to legal discourse and its effectiveness has many questions to offer to the philosophy of language.


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Author Biography

Giuditta Bassano


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How to Cite
Bassano, G. (2016) “Tempo ed enunciazione giuridica / Minding time in law”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: http://rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/346 (Accessed: 10March2025).