La forma del mondo. L’analisi glossematica del contenuto tra linguistica e filosofia

  • Lorenzo Cigana


Aim of this article is to show how glossematics conceived the analysis of the content-side of language anchoring semantics on grammar, that is on the immanent forms and ideas which are supposed to be deposited in the very linguistic structure. In this perspective, semantics (the domain of indirectly language-linked entities such as concepts and of philosophy being conceived as a manipulation of concepts) appears to be deeply rooted in the sub-lexical strata of language, including content-units such as roots, derivatives, affixes, morphemes and the combination-rules thereof. Trying to establish a closed inventory of such content-units, and adopting the principle of conversion, the Copenhagen linguistic school (namely Hjelmslev, Holt and Sørensen) tried to demonstrate that the domain of thought and of its study (philosophy, gnosiology, psychology, phenomenology) has to be grounded on language and its analysis (that is on linguistic), since language offers the basic tools for «encoding» the world and its experience.


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How to Cite
Cigana, L. (2016) “La forma del mondo. L’analisi glossematica del contenuto tra linguistica e filosofia”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 10(1). Available at: (Accessed: 10March2025).