Usi linguistici, strumenti sociali: uno sguardo semiotico su esperienza, linguaggio e percezione

  • Margherita Murgiano
  • Giulia Nardelli


Starting from some semiotic issues on language and perception, we will discuss some concerns in the field of cognitive sciences, describing how an inquiry on the simultaneous constitution of language and thought is nowadays clearly revealed in both fields of researches. Following the proposal of Fusaroli (2011), we will try to show how it is possible to draw (and choose) another path between embodied and/or distributed cognition, i.e. an habit-based conception of language inspired by the semiotics and pragmatism of C.S. Peirce, taking into account both situated and social dimensions. More precisely, this framework could be interesting for some contemporary researches on language and cognition (in particular, the words as tools theory (BORGHI & CIMATTI 2009)), whose aim consists in considering linguistic uses as embedded in an experiential dimension and, at the same time, as social tools able to reframe it. In this brief review, we will also try to highlight that this theoretical frame could be useful to establish a connection between embodiment and structural linguistic, articulating a proposal able to fully take account of the dynamic relationship between language and perception.Starting from some semiotic issues on language and perception, we will discuss some concerns in the field of cognitive sciences, describing how an inquiry on the simultaneous constitution of language and thought is nowadays clearly revealed in both fields of researches. Following the proposal of Fusaroli (2011), we will try to show how it is possible to draw (and choose) another path between embodied and/or distributed cognition, i.e. an habit-based conception of language inspired by the semiotics and pragmatism of C.S. Peirce, taking into account both situated and social dimensions. More precisely, this framework could be interesting for some contemporary researches on language and cognition (in particular, the words as tools theory (BORGHI & CIMATTI 2009)), whose aim consists in considering linguistic uses as embedded in an experiential dimension and, at the same time, as social tools able to reframe it. In this brief review, we will also try to highlight that this theoretical frame could be useful to establish a connection between embodiment and structural linguistic, articulating a proposal able to fully take account of the dynamic relationship between language and perception.


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How to Cite
Murgiano, M. and Nardelli, G. (2015) “Usi linguistici, strumenti sociali: uno sguardo semiotico su esperienza, linguaggio e percezione”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 9(2). Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).