Dalla forma al cluster: il percorso di Peirce verso l’analisi topologica della continuità

  • Julia Ponzio


This text tries to find, in the first phase of Peirce’s thought, the questions, which he tries, in the last phase of his work, to answer by topological analysis of continuity.

Topological analysis studies the models of connection of the parts of continua, that is to say it deals with the conditions which let the parts belong to a continuum. If it is seen in the perspective of the whole percian reflection on continuity, topological analysis appears no longer more as the search of a hidden structure to which reality has to be traced back to be understood. The focal point of the whole discussion will be the concept of Form, which becomes, during the course of Peirce’s thought, as I’ll try to demonstrate, something of very far from the idea of a structural schema. It becomes what in the last part of his thought Peirce calls cluster, that is to say a form that takes form starting from relations.


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How to Cite
Ponzio, J. (2015) “Dalla forma al cluster: il percorso di Peirce verso l’analisi topologica della continuità”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 0(2). Available at: http://rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/321 (Accessed: 30March2025).