Il tempo e il pragmaticismo in Peirce tra continuità e modalità

  • Sebastiano Vecchio


In The Law of Mind (1892) Peirce says that an idea for being present must be going, and in Issues of Pragmaticism (1905) maintains that the «what is time?»

question is useful to understand the nature of Pragmaticism. Starting from these passages, the paper highlights the Peircian notion of time as based on both continuity and modality. The conclusion suggests that the central point of Peirce’s theory of time is precisely its unity and balance on logic and psychology. As a result we have that time is real and physical laws evolve


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How to Cite
Vecchio, S. (2015) “Il tempo e il pragmaticismo in Peirce tra continuità e modalità”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 0(2). Available at: (Accessed: 30March2025).