Natura e linguaggio in Benjamin: il prezzo del messianesimo

  • Damiano Roberi


The relationship between Nature and language represents one of the
major topics of Walter Benjamin’s reflections. This paper examines two issues: the collocation of human language (it is, in fact, both inside and outside Nature), and the messianic adjustment of this situation. The first point will be developed initially from a phylogenetic point of view, finding in the Änlichkeiten both an access point to the depth of being and the risk of getting lost within the Vorwelt of language. Lament (Klage) will represent the pivotal point that will lead us to a confrontation with
Benjamin’s interpretation of Original Sin, in particular of Nature’s dumbness. We will try and demonstrate how the task of the translator toward Nature cannot help but tackle the problem of lament. This happens quite paradoxically, since Man, who should allow Nature to speak, is the very one who has struck it dumb. This critical point will be examined whilst looking at the Theological-Political Fragment, in
which Nature is seen as messianic. This seems to be, however, at the same time both a first- and second-rank peculiarity. The price of a linguistic messianism, from the point of view of Nature, will finally prove to be particularly high.


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How to Cite
Roberi, D. (1) “Natura e linguaggio in Benjamin: il prezzo del messianesimo”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 8(2). Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).