Gli atti amministrativi come delega al dire di sé

  • Davide Bruzzese


This work starts off from an attempt to investigate how the administrative acts are correlated to the philosophy of language and in particular with the theory of the performative sentences exposed by John L. Austin in his work How to do things with words.

We will use the tools of the philosophy of language to try to understand how the public administration through a particular use of language allows citizens to say something about themselves. In the second part of the article we produce some example of administrative acts in which the used language and the condition of its production are so important to condition the result of the act.

We will focus our attention to the social structures that allow the passage of a competence from the community to the individual in a particular type of instance: la certificazione di esistenza in vita.

The aim of this work is to try an analysis on the question of the effectiveness of administrative acts and to underline that is not possible to study social dynamics without a study on human language.


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How to Cite
Bruzzese, D. (2009) “Gli atti amministrativi come delega al dire di sé”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, (1), pp. 20-42. Available at: (Accessed: 18February2025).