Phénoménologie et concept à partir et à revenir / Phenomenolgy and concepts. Headway and backward

  • Maurizio Candiotto
Keywords: Husserl, Frege, Dummett, Logic, Concept Formation


Investigating the concept formation appeals to an interplay between Dummett-style, Frege-rooted analytic philosophy and Husserl’s phenomenology. The latter is itself both evoked by and called to such an investigation: for conceiving, as such, is akin to performing the phenomenological attitude, so that, if suitably approched to, it leads until the very extreme depth of phenomenology itself, namely to the primoridal temporality of phenomena, inasmuch these reach to the virtual components of judgments. Where such components do of course need in turn, to that effect, to be purportedly investigated according to the phenomenological method.


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NB Les quelques citations de pages entre parenthèses carrées font référence à l’édition originale des ouvrages de Husserl, dont les pages sont reproduites, justement entre parenthèses carrées, dans les éditions récentes.

How to Cite
Candiotto, M. (1) “Phénoménologie et concept à partir et à revenir / Phenomenolgy and concepts. Headway and backward”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 13(2). Available at: (Accessed: 10March2025).