Pour une typologie des catalyseurs du message. Le cas de lʼalbanais

  • Shezai Rrokaj Université de Tirana


This research paper raises a fundamental challenge concerning a great awareness towards the peculiar phenomenon called phatic element, noticeable almost in every language. This particular feature will be examined through the Jakobsonʼs
terminology. The scientific endeavor is oriented towards the concept of the phatic elements, which perform the significant task of being the catalyst of the act of communication. These implicative catalyst represent a conductive functional duty
throughout the communicative act, but they do not display any semantic significance.
There are spotted three main distinctive categories of the communicative message catalysts: Catalyst of the message initiation, catalyst of message continuation and catalysts of message conclusion. The first category of the catalyst includes the greeting formula, the introductive formula of a meeting, conference, etc., interrogative formula for one particular condition and mandatory formula. The second category comprises the formula of passive approval, the formula concerned with the deepening or continuation of the argument, formula dealing with the shift of the argument, formula concerned with the argument controversy or speaker uncertainty if the communicative canal is open or not. Last but not least category comprises the greeting formula of message conclusion,
the approving formula towards what exactly is communicated, the concluding formula of the message with the intention of re-turning at a later time, as well the termination formula of the message in a contradictory way.


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How to Cite
Rrokaj, S. (2014) “Pour une typologie des catalyseurs du message. Le cas de lʼalbanais”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 8(1). Available at: http://rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/186 (Accessed: 10March2025).